Why is Learning Live2D So Hard? Tips to Advance as a Live2D Rigger

Why is Learning Live2D so Difficult? I have asked my lil’ alien self this question many a’time. . . But there is good news Vtuber Strangers, cuz I think that I have figured it out!


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Live2D is a powerful tool used for creating dynamic 2D characters that can track a person’s natural movements. While it offers incredible possibilities for animators and artists, learning Live2D can be challenging for newcomers. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why Live2D Cubism you might be running into difficulties as you learn to use the software and how to work around them. Hi, I am Bitsy_the_Alien, a professional Vtuber Modeler, and today I will provide actionable tips to help you advance as a Live2D rigger and overcome these challenges.

Why is Learning Live2D So Hard?

1. Complexity of the Software: 

2D animation software, like Live2D Cubism, has a wide range of features and tools that can initially feel overwhelming. Understanding the user interface, layering, mesh creation, and rigging can take time and practice. However, once you become familiar with the software’s layout and functions, you’ll find it more intuitive to use.

One important thing to note when learning is that the Live2D Cubisim User Manual is very roughly translated from Japanese and can be very confusing in the word choice used in some places. So if you are feeling stuck it may be better to start looking in other places, like here! Good job~

2. Artistic Skill Required: 

It is true that you do not have to be an artist to become a Live2D rigging papa. But, to excel in Live2D, a strong foundation in digital 2D art and/or animation principles is exceedingly beneficial. Knowing how to cut a vtuber model with a complex and appealing character design will help you immensely whenever you get a non-optimized vtuber model to rig. And getting a client with an incorrectly cut model is bound to happen more than once as a professional rigger. 

I also recommend that you understand movement dynamics and anatomy these will significantly impact the quality of your Live2D animations. Take a few weeks to learn the basics of these art principles and you will be far better off once you start rigging your vtuber. 

3. Rigging Precision: 

Live2D rigging requires precision and attention to detail. Accurate mesh creation and setting up proper parameters are crucial for smooth and lifelike animations. As a beginner, it’s normal to face challenges, but with practice and patience, you can refine your rigging skills by crafting better mesh deformation, using a strong deformer hierarchy, and utilizing expression toggles. 

You will eventually find that there is a very specific step-by-step process that each and every Vtuber model must go through upon import to Live2D Cubism before you should even begin rigging. This Live2D setup can take days of work. But if you are patient and precise, you will find that your vtuber rig is far more advanced right from the get-go.

4. Technical Learning Curve:

 For those with limited technical experience, like myself, adapting to the technical aspects of Live2D might be daunting. I come from a background of digital art and manga illustration, so seeing all of the calculations that can go into things like live2d physics really scared me off for a few years. Honesty, I regret letting that fear keep me from trying to learn to rig sooner. The technical aspect is daunting, but it is not impossible to learn, and you will find it is far easier than something like 3D rigging.

 Understanding the concept of physics, movement linking, and tracking optimization may take time. But every numerical value in Live2D Cubism is important and does make a difference in your final product. Gaining proficiency in this requires hands-on learning and experimentation.


Advancing as a Live2D rigger requires a combination of continuous learning, experimentation, and dedication. As a beginner, you should follow the steps below here and focus on mastering facial expressions, exploring new techniques, and customizing your rig style to suit individual characters.  

But, If you are an intermittent level rigger that has been struggling with taking that next step of learning advanced techniques, the technical curve of live2d, optimizing your set-up process, and mastering physics then you should take a look at my Advanced Vtuber Walkthrough that comes with a PDF Guide on Live2D that helps explain these advanced concepts in more detail: https://bepin.gumroad.com/l/Vtuber_Live2D_Walkthrough 

Tips to Advance as a Live2D Rigger:

1. Master the Basics: 

Start by grasping the fundamental concepts and tools of Live2D Cubism. Familiarize yourself with the software interface, layer structure, and mesh creation. Practice basic rigging to gain confidence before tackling more complex projects.

If you are opening Live2D Cubism for the very first time, I highly recommend taking a minute to look through the tutorials provided by Brian Tsui @ Iron Vertex here: https://www.youtube.com/@brian_tsui/playlists

I found his explanations far more helpful than the Live2D Cubism User Manual back when I first started rigging. 

2. Study Art and Animation Principles: 

Strengthen your artistic skills, if you are new to the world of digital art,  by seeking out a crash course in the basics of using a program like Clip Studio Pain or Photoshop, art anatomy, and traditional animation principles. Understanding how characters move and emote will enhance the expressiveness of your Live2D creations.

Check out this video for beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cwfkCl8fwo

I realize that the video has nothing to do with Vtubers, but Trent Kaniuga is a well-respected teacher in the digital art space and a friend of mine. So I know that I can trust him to give you the low down on how to get familiar with digital art. 

Even if you are only going to be using this knowledge for Vtuber Cutting, haha!

3. Learn from Tutorials and Resources:

 Explore the wealth of online tutorials, guides, and resources available for Live2D. Watch video tutorials and read documentation to learn from experienced artists and riggers. Look out for Live2D workshops, webinars, or online courses conducted by experienced professionals. Participating in these events can provide valuable insights and expand your skill set. Another great resource is the many Live2D communities and forums to connect with others and seek guidance.

For Tutorials, check out my hand-curated Youtube playlist:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3B4jYrVTls&list=PLPrskO6NoVSPsTmKoYAuP_3o0hzfMAH5F

Join the Live2D Discord Community here: https://discord.gg/EVPnUDB

Ask questions, get messy, make mistakes!!! 

4. Hands-On Practice:

 The key to mastering Live2D is hands-on practice. Start with simple projects and gradually challenge yourself with more complex characters and animations. Be patient with yourself and allow room for improvement. 

Study Existing Live2D Models and Examine well-made Live2D models created by experienced riggers. Analyze how they handle mesh deformations, expressions, and overall rigging techniques. Try to understand their approaches and apply those insights to your own projects. Studying Vtuber Showcases on Twitter is exactly how I learned a unique trick for making very bouncy booba, so train your eye! It is worth it.

If you need vtubers to practice rigging with,  I have personally made a hand full of Vtuber Model Bases that can be used for this!

Beginner Vtuber Base for learning Live2D: https://bepin.gumroad.com/l/TallVtuberBase?layout=profile 

Advanced Vtuber Base and Tutorial for improving Live2D rigging: https://bepin.gumroad.com/l/Vtuber_Live2D_Walkthrough 

Male Vtuber Base for learning Live2D: https://bepin.gumroad.com/l/male_Vtuber_Body?layout=profile 

advanced vtuber base for learning to rig live2d

5. Focus on Facial Expressions: 

Mastering facial expressions is crucial for bringing characters to life. Spend time refining facial rigs and experimenting with different expressions. Pay attention to eye movements, mouth shapes, and eyebrow adjustments to add depth and emotion to your characters. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new techniques and push the boundaries of what you can achieve with Live2D. Innovative approaches can lead to unique and captivating animations.

These days it is also very important to learn the difference between a vbriger ready rig, and a standard vowel mouth rig!

Vbriger vs vowel rigging:

vBridger simple mouth live2d help
A Vbriger mouth used Blend Shapes to add extra realistic emotion to a mouth rig. You start here and add on more parameters for each extra feature.
vtuber best way to rig a mouth, normal without VBridger
A regular mouth has to have all of its emotion rigged into the base A,I,U,E,O vowel movements.


Learning Live2D can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. Embrace the learning process, invest time in practice, and continuously seek opportunities to grow and refine your skills.

By mastering the basics, studying art and animation principles, and seeking feedback from the community, you can advance as a Live2D rigger and bring your characters to life with stunning results in Vtube Studio.

With dedication and perseverance, you’ll conquer the learning curve and discover the full potential of Live2D as a versatile tool for your artistic endeavors. And always keep an eye out as Live2D continually evolves with new updates and features. Stay informed about the latest developments in Live2D Cubism and other Live2D tools to leverage the most recent advancements in your rigging projects.

Still Need Help?

Reach out to us here at iiiSekai Studios and we can aid you in all of your art and rigging needs.

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