Design and Art Aspects of Creating a Vtuber

Hello young creative, have you been wondering how to make a great design for your brand new Vtuber? Without needing to know how to draw?

Void Vtuber

Article Writer

How to Make a Great Vtuber Design Without Drawing?

Welcome back to the Library for yet another lesson, Young Writer. I hope that this time you’ve brought a pen and a notebook with you. Not just for taking notes, but for doodling too! This time we will be discussing something a bit different than writing, by that I mean design, art, and the importance of your Vtuber’s appearance.

We will be diving deep into these to see what makes a great vtuber design in today’s lesson, but worry
not! You don’t have to possess any art skills besides your own imagination.

Vtuber Conceptualization:

Woah! Now that’s a big word there… but fret not!

Let me simplify the definition of the word Conceptualization, ”it is the process of creating a concept”. Whether in the mind or bringing it to life on paper, the concept is a way to brainstorm and visualize all of your ideas for your Vtuber before hiring an artist. Designing a character or in this case, your Vtuber, is going to be the very first and essential part of today’s lesson on how to make a great Vtuber design.

I recommend making a document where you can write out your concepts, and paste on images that inspire you, much like making a Vtuber dream board!

(Perhaps I will have our Galactic Overlord make a template to sell on our Vtuber assets shop?)

How to Make Your Vtuber Concept:

  • First, I cannot stress the importance of defining your Vtuber character before you make a fine design. Fully considering your Vtuber’s design in written form is concepting the very foundation of your character (bookmark that!). Their backstory adds depth and provides context for their actions and decisions as we’ve mentioned in the previous article. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of who they are, their motivations, and how they fit into the story (your Vtuber lore).
  • Second, after you establish who they are in their Vtuber Lore, then we can take a closer look at the character’s personality traits. You need to shape their behavior, how they look at the world, and how they will be received by an audience. Are they kind? Or cruel? How they act will be a key point you want to show in the overall design of your Vtuber.
  • Third; What makes a Vtuber unique? I like to call these your Charming Points (チャームポイント)! You need these because there are many Vtubers with similar concepts like a “God of Death” with an appearance that would resemble a devil or an angel for example. But what exactly makes a certain Vtuber unique compared to another with a similar concept? Is it the appearance? The motivation? The backstory?The lore? The personality? The answer is everything above! Each Vtuber has different and unique Charming Points and ways to express themselves.

    A Charming Point can be good or bad, (think of your favorite anime character) they be things like a silly smile, oddly big biceps, smol legs, a dark sense of humor, clumsiness, an obsession with something (like the Moon), an accessories they ALWAYS have on them, or another quirk that makes them unique and is a main part of their overall character.
  • Forth, this is the last and hardest part, making the final cut! Take a moment or even more to gather your thoughts together. Up to this point, you have been throwing every wild idea you’ve got into your Vtuber Dreamboard (or notebook in my case). The more, the merrier! And here you are, now left with nothing but chaos on the table, yes? If so, then you’ve succeeded up to this point.

    However, it’s time to deal with the chaos since you need to keep your Vtuber concepts clear for your audience to understand who you are.

    Start by eliminating every concept you don’t completely LOVE. When you are done with the elimination, consider what kind of design each of the remaining concepts could have? Visualize each concept within your mind, the art part is coming up right after this so be prepared for a clash! The artist will need to find a way to make all of your ideas into one cohesive character design.

“Let’s say for example that one of your concepts is a character who dances through the attacks of an enemy, the character is a dancer who fights. We could visualize the character with some elegant golden bracelets that have thorns to harm the enemy or a bracelet that on command can create a magical whip to perform various shapes and forms while at the same time attacking the enemy or even entangle the enemy so they will dance along with your moves, controlling their movement. At the end of the day, you should settle in with one concept to keep your design effective in comunicating who you are, because an overloaded design can confuse your audience.

-Void the Librarrian

The Visual Design and Art of a Vtuber:

Visual design encompasses various elements such as shape, form, color, and composition. Understanding these elements and their interactions is crucial for creating visually appealing and cohesive Vtuber design. Consider how different shapes (round, angular, geometric) can convey specific traits or moods, and how form gives a character volume and presence. Color choices can evoke emotions or reflect a character’s personality, while composition guides the viewer’s eye and establishes visual balance.

Picking out a Vtuber Color Pallet:

Colors have the power to catch your audience’s attention and create a strong first impression. A well-chosen color palette can make your Vtuber visually pleasing, captivating, and memorable. Vibrant or contrasting colors can help the Vtuber stand out from the rest and be seen as unique.

When picking out a Color Pallet for your Vtuber I recommend taking these steps as you not only think about but also find relevant color codes to add to your Vtuber Dream Board!

  • Emotional and symbolic representation: Colors have inherent symbolic and emotional associations. By carefully selecting colors for your Vtuber, you can portray specific moods, evoke emotions, or communicate certain traits associated with the character. For example, warm colors like red or orange can indicate energy, passion, or aggression, while cool colors like blue or green can represent calmness, intelligence, or nature. Keep in mind that different saturations of each color can invoke different emotions as well!
  • Personality and identity: Colors can be used to reflect the Vtuber’s personality, backstory, or role in the story (lore). Certain color choices can suggest characteristics such as power, innocence, darkness, or playfulness. The color scheme can align with the character’s attributes, helping the audience understand and connect with them on a deeper level.
    For example, cold and darker colors such as deep blue and black could indicate that your Vtuber might be the mysterious type thanks to the deep blue coloring that (as the name suggests) represents the depths of the ocean which are dark and filled with mysterious life-forms we have yet to discover.
  • Differentiation and Recognition: There are so many different and unique Vtubers around us that have distinct color schemes which set them apart from others with similar concepts. The diversity helps in creating a unique visual identity that is easily recognizable. Consider using color combinations or palettes that are unconventional or unexpected to make your Vtuber visually distinctive.
  • Visual Hierarchy and Focus: Coloring can be used strategically to guide the audience’s attention and establish a visual hierarchy. By emphasizing certain colors in specific areas, such as the Vtuber’s face or significant elements, you can draw attention to those focal points and highlight important aspects of your Vtuber’s design. For example, use cold and dark colors for your Vtuber’s outfit and color their eyes in red. That would make the audience more focused on their face rather than other parts of their body.

Considering Your Vtuber Silhouette:

Visual Differentiation is the key here! A unique and recognizable silhouette helps distinguish a Vtuber from another, particularly those with similar concepts. By incorporating unconventional shapes, proportions, or exaggerated features such as a uniquely-shaped horn, cape, or tail, you can create a silhouette that stands out and captures the audience’s interest. This differentiation contributes to making the character memorable and visually distinct.

A good silhouette can convey important information about a Vtuber’s personality traits before your debut. Fans that see your pre-debuted page should have a good idea of who you are before even seeing your model in full. A strong, bold silhouette may suggest a character with a dominant or heroic presence, while a delicate or slender silhouette may imply a more elegant or refined personality. The shape can also communicate aspects such as agility, or even vulnerability, providing visual cues about the character’s attributes and Charming Points.

The Importance of a Great Vtuber Appearance:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right?

In this case, the beholders are the specific Nitch of Fans that you want to engage with as a Vtuber. The Vtuber’s complete appearance is of paramount importance as it serves as the visual embodiment of their personality, traits, and lore. It is through the character’s appearance that the audience forms their first impression and establishes a connection. The design elements, such as the character’s facial features, body language, attire, and unique attributes, work together to convey essential information about the character’s identity, background, and role.

A well-crafted appearance not only captures attention but also fosters a sense of reliability, giving the audience upfront visuals on what your most impotent traits are. In turn, this will also make the Live 2D Rigger’s job easier as they will know what to focus on when putting in the effort to make your Vtuber move. This is why it is so important to hire a quality and well-trusted artist to make your model.

Please, do NOT ever buy a Vtuber off of Fiver. Go to Twitter and find REAL people who are doing REAL work on models every day. There are plenty of people with a variety of price points open for commission at any time. And, with your Vtuber Dream Board in hand, I am sure you can find the artist you need to make your Vtuber dreams come true! “

– CEO Bitsy the Alien

Final Words:

Once again, I really hope that you’ve found this article helpful and entertaining! Whether you’re a writer, artist, or simply an admirer of character design, remember the power and significance of these aspects as you embark on your journey of bringing a remarkable character to life.

Lesson over, book closed~

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